2011 Collin County Criminal Justice Statistics: Felonies

By Allen, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Kyle T. Therrian
Office Number: (972) 562-7549
24 Hr Jail Release: (214) 403-6522


This article is a continuation of the discussion of Collin County criminal justice statistics for 2011, which began by focusing on misdemeanor statistics. That discussion can be found here. As with the discussion on misdemeanor statistics, I offer the same disclaimer: statistics should not be relied upon to determine the probable outcome of any criminal matter. Only after a discussion with an attorney about the merits of a particular case can a person gauge the likely outcome of a criminal allegation or trial. More importantly, this discussion is not intended to downplay the consequences of committing serious offenses; make no mistake, a vast majority of people who commit felonies are convicted of felonies. The purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate the range of outcomes in a felony case as well as emphasize the importance of being represented.

The raw statistics compiled by the Office of Court Administration (OCA) for felony cases in Collin County in 2011 can be found by clicking on the following link: 2011 Felony Statistics The figures are for cases pending between January 1, 2011 and December 22, 2011.

The following are noteworthy statistics for the year:

  • 7,891 Felony cases were on the docket last year
  • 3,985 Felony cases were disposed (resolved)*
  • Of the 3,985 Felony dispositions, 135, or 3.39%, were disposed by a trial
  • 42.96% of Felony trials resulted in an acquittal
  • In a number of categories acquittals at trial were more common than convictions
  • Aggravated Assault and Attempted Murder trials resulted in acquittal 52.63% of the time
  • Robbery trials resulted in acquittal 53.85% of the time
  • Felony DWI trials resulted in acquittal 57.14% of the time
  • 10.06% of disposed felony cases were disposed by a dismissal**
  • 20.69% of Adult Sexual Assault cases, 15.91% of Aggravated Robbery cases, and 30.77% of manslaughter/homicide cases were dismissed.**
  • 23.59% of felony cases resulted in deferred adjudication
  • 36.16% of felony cases resulted in probation
  • 732 cases resulted in a sentence of 2 years or less
  • 698 cases resulted in a sentence of more than 2 years
  • In 61.05% of disposed cases, individuals were reported to be represented by counsel

Felony Statistics.pdf

* It is unclear whether total cases disposed (resolved) as includes resolution of motions to revoke.

** Dismissed does not necessarily mean not prosecuted as many cases are dismissed and refilled as something more or less severe.

***Kyle Therrian is an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice. For legal advice on any case you should contact an attorney directly.

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